Playstation 5; Release date and new functions.

 A lot of gamers and game lovers around the world have been anticipating the release of Sony's Playstation 5 for a while now. Sony has dominated the video game scene for a very long time even though they've had competition from Microsoft, Sega and many others.

To blow away their competitors, the company announced the release of a new console in April 2019. This console is expected to change the worldwide gaming industry.

The actual release date of the console is not known but if we're still talking about Sony, then we should expect it to be released on the second friday in the month of November as was previosuly done in the case of the PS3 and PS4.
 Even though a lot of gamers would have preferred it if it was released during this period when a lot of them are under lock down, the company is expected to wait until that auspicious day.

Sony has however not disclosed that the console will be released before the scheduled time.

The company in an attempt to wet the appetite of their customers have released the picture and specs of the controller which is seen below.
The controller is called the dual DualSense. The new hardware has a similar design as previous versions, but a much different look with its white color.

The PS5 controller comes with a built-in microphone, which will mean that a headset will not be needed to communicate with others in multiplayer games.

Another change is the addition of the "create" button which will replace the "share" button from the PS4 controller.

According to Sony, the new button will operate in the same way but will have more functions that will be released in due time.

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